Choosing love


I haven’t posted in awhile, but I have so many thoughts swirling around in my head. I don’t talk much about politics in general or share my opinion on the topic. But I have to put into writing my feelings today.

I already worry enough about my kids and their future. It is a scary world out there with technology, accidents, stranger danger and more.

My goal as a mother and what I strive to do, is to raise kind, compassionate, empathetic children. In the grand scheme of things, I don’t give a crap about the “academic stuff.” Yes there is place for that, but what good is it if you can’t share, work together, or speak harshly and disrespect others? Apparently it gets you to powerful positions.

I am in shock and horror for the future that these sweet innocent children will be raised in. What kind of person that is elected to lead our country. And that apparently the majority of the population is okay with electing someone like that and is in support of?!?! Is this truly the country we live in? It sickens and saddens me.

The biggest fear I have is that my son and daughter will look up to people like our president elect and apparently the majority of Americans. And think that it is OKAY to speak and act that way towards women, the LGBT community, and people of different races and various ethnic/religious backgrounds; pretty much anyone. It is simply NOT okay. I will not allow for it. And what kind of message are we sending our kids? Our future?

I’m thankful for their innocence. I’m thankful, yet guilty, that I don’t have to explain this to them today. Someday? Yes, but for today I don’t have to.


These two deserve SO much better it breaks my heart. They deserve a world filled with love. Not the hate that I’m seeing. For now I can protect them from that.

What I can do and will do? I will lead by example in hopes I raise caring, kind, loving, and empathetic children. Ultimately, they are the future. They will bring about the change. Until then, I will remain to choose love, to show love, kindness and compassion. And to teach my kiddos how to take care of others and how we respect one another no matter what…and that is the only option.